paragon casino & resort renovations - casino expansion & golf clubhouse
marksville, LOUISIANA
2015| CASINO 20,000 SF | CLUBHOUSE 5,427 SF
Paragon Casino and Restoration Casino Expansion:
WDG | Engineers provided Engineering Design services for a 20,000-square-foot casino floor expansion at the Paragon Casino. Working in concert with the owner and contractor, WDG assisted in the successful completion of the fast-track project, which was constructed and opened in 14 weeks, in time for the high-occupancy July 4th weekend.
Paragon Casino and Restoration Tamahka Trail Golf Clubhouse:
WDG | Architects Engineers provided architectural and engineering design services for the complete design and construction of a single-story building to house a 5,427-square-foot golf clubhouse. Components included a golf cart facility, pro shop, offices, dining, and kitchen facility. On the exterior, the clubhouse featured roof-covered exterior galleries, a porte cochere, and loggia.