meraux administration Building

Meraux, louisiana

2014 | 44,000 sf

ardmore administration Building

ardmore, oklahoma

2019 | 421,300 sf

three rivers administration Building

three rivers, texas

2023 | 43,000 sf

houston administration Building

HOUSTON, texas

2023 | 42,000 sf

WDG | Architects Engineers provided Architectural and Engineering Design services for a new 44,000-square-foot Administration Building and associated site elements, including parking and landscaping. This building was designed as a prototype for future administration adjusted for the specific needs of each refinery. WDG’s design services include Programming Construction Documents, Administration, Architecture, Landscape, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engineering.
The Ardmore Administration Building was the second Valero project that WDG developed in Ardmore, OK. WDG | Architects Engineers provided Architectural and Engineering Design services for the new administration building at Valero’s Ardmore campus. WDG worked on the schematic design to include site plans, floor plans, building elevations, mechanical and electrical systems narratives, and cost estimates. The new 421,300-square-foot structure is designed with consideration for the local landscape and community. 
The Three Rivers Administration Building was the third Valero project that WDG developed in Three Rivers, TX. Site-specific changes included an underground stormwater retention system, drought-tolerant landscaping, and a mirrored floor plan to allow the leadership team to view the operations of the refinery. WDG’s design services include Architecture, Landscape, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engineering.
The Houston Administration Building is the fourth Valero building based on a prototypical design WDG developed in Houston, TX. The design was adjusted to meet the Houston refinery’s needs including floor plan revisions and extensive site improvements. WDG’s design services include Architecture, Landscape, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engineering.